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Urban Planning

Request to amend an urban planning by-law

This form is also available as aPDF.

Section 1: Identification of the applicant and of the owner

Identification of the applicant

Is the applicant different from the owner?
When the applicant is not the owner, power of attorney must be provided in Section 3.

Section 2: Object of the request


For each provision, include the by-law and section numbers.

Planning Programme

Does this request include a modification to the urban plan?

Section 3: Required documents

The request must be accompanied by the following documents:

  1. Power of attorney on behalf of the owner, if applicable.
    The power of attorney must be signed by all owners, if applicable. In the case of ownership by a company, a resolution authorizing the applicant to submit the request must be provided.
  2. Property title or proof of intent to purchase, if relevant.
  3. Up to date certificate of location.
  4. Project presentation, including:
    1. Context;
    2. Photos of the location and surrounding area;
    3. Photos of the existing building, if applicable;
    4. Characteristics of the project in relation to existing by-laws;
    5. Description of each point making up the modification request.
  5. In the case of a construction and transformation project:
    1. Building plans and elevation of the existing building, and of the proposed building, prepared by an architect;
    2. Perspective drawings;
    3. Sketch demonstrating the architectural and volumetric integration of the project into its surroundings.
      *Characteristics of the project not covered by the modification request must be shown to comply with existing by-laws.
  6. Urban planning argument completed by a competent professional in the matter, including:
    1. Contextual study;
    2. Justification of each request;
    3. Identification of the issues demonstrating the necessity to modify the by-law, and the constraints linked to carrying out a compliant request;
    4. Impact on neighbours;
    5. A demonstration of the requested modifications' alignment with public interest;
    6. A demonstration of the project's compliance to the Planning Programme and, in the case of a request to modify the Planning Programme, of its compliance to the ''Schéma d'aménagement et de développement'' (land use planning and development concept) of the agglomeration de Montréal. The document must demonstrate the feasibility of the project.
  7. All studies relevant to and in support of the request (sun and shadow study, traffic study, heritage study, professional reports, etc.).
  8. Payment of applicable fees.

Drop files here or click to upload them.

Section 4: Declaration, consent and signature

I declare that the above information is accurate and complete, and I undertake to submit all the required documents at the request of the administration.

In the event of council’s favourable orientation to this request, I undertake to pay the publication fees.

I authorize the distribution of all drawings, data and other components of this application for the purposes of a public meeting, if applicable, and I undertake to obtain the required authorizations from third parties and professionals who contributed to the project.

By checking this box, I confirm that the information in this application is correct. I have read the declarations, confirm them and agree that this action may be used as a digital signature.

IMPORTANT: The analysis of a request begins when the request application is considered complete, i.e. all the required documents have been filed and any applicable fees have been paid.